Exercise During Pregnancy Guidelines

Being pregnant is not the time to start any new strenuous exercise routine. But staying fit will help keep your weight down during pregnancy, reduce fatigue, backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and help with delivery and post-partum recovery. Simple exercises such as walking, swimming, low-impact aerobics, riding a stationary bike, and yoga are good exercises you can do while pregnant.

Exercise during pregnancy is important because it helps you to avoid many pregnancy’s discomforts. However, not all exercises are safe for pregnant women to do. If you’re looking for pregnancy exercise routines to help you stay fit during pregnancy, Pregnancy Without Pounds has 3 different types of exercise routines designed specifically for pregnancy women. The easy to follow step by step exercise routines targets the muscles that are weakened by your growing belly. The stretches and exercises has clear descriptions and pictures to make sure that you do each stretches and exercises correctly.

Pregnancy Without Pounds has 3 types of pregnancy exercise routines: Tired Mama, Moderate Mama, and Fit Mama. If you are not fit before becoming pregnant, now is not the time to challenge yourself. The Tired Mama pregnancy exercise routine encourages you to exercise 2 to 3 times a week with a combination of light cardio and stretching. The Tired Mama exercise routines also teach you how to strengthen your abdominal muscles to help relieve lower back pain.

If you are not fit before you’re pregnant, you can build up your tolerance with the Tired Mama routines. You can lengthen your exercises a few minutes longer each time you exercise and slowly increase your exercises to four times a week.

And when you’re ready for a more challenging workout, you can choose the Moderate Mama or Fit Mama routines.

During pregnancy your ligaments are more relaxed so you can be injured more easily. And it is also much easier for you to lose your balance. Don’t do exercises that might make you fall and hurt your abdomen. During pregnancy avoid exercises and contact sports such as squash, racquetball, hockey, horseback riding, softball, golf, and cycling on a regular bike.

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