Foods For Pregnancy

27 and 28 Weeks Pregnant

27 Weeks Pregnant Now you are in your 27th week, this is a stage when your baby is roughly weigh about 1 kilogram and positioning at bottom-down position (transverse position) in the uterus. But from now on, he can take the head-down position at any time to prepare himself for the birth; however, in some […]

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Pregnancy Without Pounds eBook

Being pregnant can be a really scary period of time for women of all ages because of the drastic changes that occur to the physique. Girls don’t have control on some of these changes, but they can do something when it comes to some other things. Pregnancy is usually associated with additional pounds and entire

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35 and 36 Weeks Pregnant

35 Weeks Pregnant So, you are very near to the birth time as you have already spent 34 weeks of pregnancy and you are not far away. It is now the time to get ready for the coming baby. Remember, last weeks are even more vital for you and your baby so you have no

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