Some people do not like winter because it is too cold in this season. It would make you freezing in such cold weather. You had to wear like a bear to keep warm which even make you tumbled when walking. The women could not show their good build since it is too cold outside. Do you want to wear less in winter? Do you know some useful ways to keep you warm in winter?
Dressing is the simplest way to keep warm in winter. Dressing in several layers will keep your body heat in and with the right clothing you don’t have to look like the snow-suited kid in A Christmas Story to do it. But it is not the best way to help you resist cold weather.
Or you may prefer to do some exercises to make you warm in winter. It is a really good way to keep warm and make you healthy in winter. And it may help you to keep away from the flu. Get plenty of exercise to keep you blood moving and you metabolism fired up. Take a walk on a sunny afternoon, go sledding or skating, or whatever you enjoy. As you spend more time outdoors your body will become acclimated to the cold and within a few days it will be better able to tolerate it
And there is another way to keep your healthy that is food. There are hundreds of foods would help you to keep warm in winter. And some of them would help you live much healthier.
Having meals frequently would help you keep warm in winter. It is very important that you take food regularly. Healthy food provides you lot of heat. Meat will offer the most heat you need. Mutton is very useful to keep you warm in the cold winter. You may drink some mutton soup frequently to help you resist the freezing weather.
Pepper and chili are good for you to eat in the chilly days.
You may feel warmer after each either of them. They have the unique ability to heat you up whether taken internally or externally. And pepper is excellent for asthmatics. You can simply sprinkle some on your breakfast omelets.
Ginger is one good vegetable to make you warm in winter. The soup of ginger is also good to cure the cold. Drink some ginger soup every day would make you much healthier. And it is quite good for the women to drink such soup. It helps to release the pains when women drink some ginger soup with some brown sugar during the menstruation.
Cinnamon also increases blood circulation as pepper and ginger do and so warm up the body. Adding cinnamon to your toast in the morning can help you stay warm all day.
Drink some hot tea or coffee would also help you keep warm in winter. Wine is also a good drink for you to keep you warm in winter. Wine promotes the blood circulation to keep your body warmer than usual. A hot drink at bedtime is a good idea. If you get into the habit of taking a thermos to bed with you, you can have a hot drink easily if you wake in the night feeling cold.
Or you may prepare some snacks to keep you warm in cold days. Chocolate and nuts may be the best choice for you in winter. Dried beef is also a good snack for you to keep warm. Or you may bring some cookies with you. Hungry may let you feel much colder. So you should not make yourself feel hungry in the cold days.