Green Food For Health

The Importance of Healthy Foods

    Food is the fuel that our bodies use for energy. The three main sources of fuel are carbohydrates, protein, and fat. The body changes them into glucose for energy or stores them as fat. A car uses gas for energy—we use glucose! Eating a balance of healthy foods that contain carbohydrate, protein, and fat every day […]

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Jamaican Recipes

There are a lot of good reasons to begin experimenting with Jamaican recipes. Not only can you create the most amazing blends of flavor and texture, but you’ll be surprised by how easy it can be to create delicious meals with that unique Caribbean harmony.Cooking is an important part of Jamaican culture, with the majority

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Make Food Your Anabolic Protein

Sounds strange doesnt it? Most people go on strict diets when developing their body. Many of us dream of having that 6 pack body or toned and slim size 10. Some spend incalculable hours in the gym, and spend thousands of Euros on equipment just to gain muscles. Many people even have supplement shelves in

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Food Dehydrator Recipes

The gardens we planted when I was growing up yielded more than enough for our families and friends and even some to sell when they were at the peak of the season. The rest of the items we froze, canned or used a food dehydrator to allow us to enjoy the taste of those fresh

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