Pregnancy First, Then Lose the Weight

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life that brings with it a glorious blessing after nine months. A few fortunate women sail through their pregnancies and their bodies bounce back without a hitch or any additional weight gain. For the majority of the women though this is not the case. The key to getting the weight off is diet, exercise and massage chair therapy.

A woman will not lose as much weight as she expected to lose after the birth of her child. She may end up with unwanted pounds due to excessive weight gain during the pregnancy. In many cases, fluid retention is the problem and the weight will drop approximately three weeks after delivering the baby due to frequent urination and perspiration.

However, you need to prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. Understanding why you have this additional weight gain and realizing that it is only temporary is necessary for your emotional well-being. It can be conquered and you will lose the extra weight with hard work, perseverance, and an iron will.

There are numerous suggestions that will help you to lose this extra weight. Some of these helpful hints are obvious such as diet and exercise. Others are not so obvious such as massage therapy. When taken together, the weight can be lost and lost for good.

First and most important is your diet. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes lean meats, grain-type breads, fruits, and vegetables is critical. Junk food is not advised and should be avoided. Instead, indulge in a healthy snack such as nuts, popcorn, fruits, vegetables, raisins, and a wheat-type cracker.

The problem with fast food is it contains high levels of sodium.

Sodium helps to retain water. A good portion of the weight gain in pregnancy is water weight. Water intake is essential in flushing out the toxins of our bodies. Replace any soda or juice drinks, which contain sugar, with mineral water.

The next important step is exercise. First, get your physicians approval for when exercise is appropriate for you. Go for a walk! It is the perfect exercise. Your baby will love it too. Push the stroller and get your baby used to going out with you. It is a win-win.

Did you know that breastfeeding is a dieters dream? Breast feeding can wipe out up to 500 calories a day when you breastfeed. If you do breastfeed, you must make sure that you are getting adequate nutrition during this time. Discuss this with your physician and find out how you can lose weight while breastfeeding.

Massage chair therapy can be a great tool in the recovery process after pregnancy. Your body has gone through some tremendous changes. Massage chairs provide targeted massage that can ease aches and pains, especially in the lower back. Massage chairs help to flush out toxins from the body which helps your weight loss goals. There are many potential benefits you can obtain from a massage chair. Check with your physician on how massage chairs can be part of your regimen.

Stepping on the scale after pregnancy can be very intimidating and you may be very hesitant. Ease up on yourself and remember what your body has been through. You have just given life and your body was stretched to the max. Since the pregnancy process occurred over a 9-month period of time, allow yourself at least 9 months to get yourself back into shape again.

Check with your physician and get their suggestions on how you can regain your pre-pregnancy figure. Consult your physician about these suggestions, to find out the proper nutrition, diet, exercise program and massage chair therapy that you have in mind.

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