Green Food For Health

Healthy Solo Eating

There is a growing trend of people living alone. Eating out and fast food have become the norm for many. Healthy eating should be a part of their daily plans, but often is not. Dinner, in particular, seems to be a problem. Many feel making meals for one is a chore. In reality, preparing healthy […]

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Italian Vegetarian Recipes

Bread and pasta are both high GI food. Meaning? Huh? High GI means they are difficult to digest and are best had after a rigorous workout as that’s the time the body has the highest capacity to digest really fast. So the only time you can relish your spaghetti and pesto aubergine sandwich is after

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Dog Food Recipes

Dog Food Recipes People assume that all dog food recipes are the same. This cannot be further from the truth. Many dogs are allergic to one thing or another. You will want to be sure that your dog has no known food allergies and that each new recipe you try there is no adverse reaction.

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