Pregnancy is really an interesting and amazing period in woman’s life. It normally lasts about nine months or 40 weeks and during this period, you will experience the happiness of becoming mother. The gradual growth of your little baby creates unique changes for your pregnancy month by month. And this article will give you a lot of information about the monthly development of your child.
At the first month, the process of development begins with the formation of brain, spinal cord and nerves. After that, your baby’s heart, liver and digestive system are formed. This process can not occur smoothly without the nutrition from mother’s body provided through the placenta and umbilical cord. In the second month, the major organs continue developing and especially, your baby’s heart has the sign of beating and pumping blood. Some other body parts, such as baby’s arms, legs also begin to form. Your baby’s length rises few millimeters each day and at the end of this period, the baby’s weight is about one ounce 28g.
From the forth to sixth month, after the formation of basic organs and body parts, the facial feature becomes more complete and definite with the appearance of eyelids, eyebrows, nose, lips, etc. Especially, the nervous system seems to begin operate at this period and your baby’s heartbeat can also be audible with the aid of Doppler. In these months, because of the development of muscles, you can feel the first movements of your baby; these movements will become much stronger in the next month as the indicator of the healthy growth. And according to the scientists, in the second trimester, the baby becomes more active and sensitive with the sounds outside so many women often listen classic music during the pregnancy period to increase the intelligence of their babies.
Your baby’s lungs continue to develop their function until last three months.
In this period, the sense-organs also become more complete so sometimes, you can feel the response to the stimulus clearly from your baby. By the end of the last month, your little child grows rapidly in length and weight; he or she can gain 45-51 cm in length and weighs about 3.2 kg.
This above article gives you interesting information about your pregnancy month by month. It also helps you imagine partly the whole process of your baby’s development so you can know what you should do to have a healthy baby in each period.