10 Reasons to Include Salads


There is evidence that we do not consume even half of the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables, at least 400 grams per day, or whatever it is, three to five servings a day. To meet these recommendations can help salads, especially in summer.
They are very easy to prepare, and its high water content and other essential nutrients for our body, they quench our hunger and thirst in an appetizing and help keep the skin well nourished and hydrated.
Ten reasons to include salads on the menu every day
Hydrate and refresh. Over 90% of the composition of vegetables, salads base is water. Eating salad is a quick and easy way to hydrate the body on hot days.
Dan vitality. The vegetables are excellent source of vitamins that regulate many body processes, such as the functioning of the nervous system.
Cleanse the body. The action cleansing, detoxifying and diuretic salads due to the high water content, the rich in potassium, low sodium intake of vegetables that compose them, and to the presence of essential oils dilate renal vessels. So eating salads every day helps to remove excess liquid and is beneficial in case of hypertension, fluid retention and oliguria (low urine output). By increasing urine production are removed, in addition to liquids, dissolved waste substances such as uric acid, urea, etc.., And therefore agree salads if hyperuricemia and gout, rheumatism, joint conditions or different and people with a tendency to form kidney stones. More diuretics vegetables: celery, asparagus, escarole, endive, onion …
Protect the skin. The sun’s rays are the main aggressors for the skin and one of the causes of aging and the development of melanomas. Through various salads bring essential nutrients to keep skin in perfect condition. The brightly colored vegetables (carrots, beets, peppers, tomatoes, red cabbage, red lollo lettuce …) provide beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A, which renews the skin and mucous membranes and vitamin C, which enhances the production of collagen , a protein that keeps skin smooth and unwrinkled. If accompanied by avocado or nuts and seasoned with olive oil and wheat germ, enriched salad in unsaturated fatty acids, essential to keep skin hydrated structured, and vitamin E, which prevents the appearance of spots of aging.
Regulate bowel function. Because of the richness in fiber from vegetables, a salad is a laxative, so you can prevent or improve constipation. In addition, fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol and good control of blood glucose (blood sugar levels), beneficial in cases of high cholesterol and diabetes.
They provide few calories. Very suitable for everyone, and especially for those following a diet, yes, without abusing the seasonings. Also, start the meal with a salad, and reduces appetite sated, we are interested in these circumstances.
Caring heart. The abundance of antioxidants (carotenoids, beta-carotene, alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, selenium …) in vegetable salads makes allies of the heart dishes. Antioxidants block the action of harmful free radicals, substances involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases, degenerative diseases and cancer.
Improve digestion. The slight bitterness of vegetables such as endive, celery, lamb’s lettuce, chicory, artichoke, endive and radish stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. In addition, sprouts (soybean, alfalfa, watercress, radish) and fermented (sauerkraut) enriched diet on enzymes, all of which is essential in the digestion of food. Therefore, including these vegetables in the salad, appetizer and toning results, and are advised particularly those with dyspepsia, sluggish liver and gallbladder disorders.
Prevent anemia. The lack of iron or folic acid is associated with different types of anemia. Green leafy vegetables, kale, spinach, turnip greens, watercress and endive, are especially rich in chlorophyll (with proven effects Antianemic), folate and iron, so include them in salads interested in anemia. To make better use of plant iron (heme iron) is recommended to accompany the menu with foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus, kiwi, tropical fruits, tomatoes, peppers, etc.. In addition, because it contains folate, salads are essential in the diet of pregnant women to prevent serious disorders in the baby.
They are tasty and nutritious. leaves of lettuce variety, escarole, endive, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, onion, cucumber, garlic, carrots, beets, tomatoes, asparagus, celery, peppers, sprouts … The more variety of vegetables and salad vegetables include greater the nutritional richness and this results in increased vitality and energy. Complementing the dressing, brewer’s yeast, sesame seeds, wheat germ or other diet products, plus vitamins and minerals enrich the dishes, provide a delightful taste.
Some suggestions
Green salad. Quick to prepare, highly nutritious and perfect for the more traditional. You can mix different oils (olive, sunflower, soy …), different vinegars (apple, sherry, dill …), herbs (chives, parsley, garlic, oregano, basil …) and nuts.
Mixed salad. Miscellaneous vegetable flavors to blend ingredients of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt …). It is a very nutritious dish rich in protein and well combined, can become an example of a light dinner, but very healthy.
Energy Salad. Combine vegetables with rice, pasta, potato or vegetable is the ideal way to turn a light salad, a plate energy, as well as nutritious. Raw, cut in julienne or chopped, sautéed and blended with care, give a different touch to the dish juicy and flavor.
Fruit salad. Combine vegetables and slightly bitter flavors of some vegetables, with a touch sweet and acid fruits, is a delight for the senses.

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